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        Little children possess an innate sense of wonder        It  was  a  lazy  afternoon  on  a  serene  hillside.

        and curiosity about the world that is delightfully       Engulfed in a newfound pastime watching birds,
        evident in their open-eyed wonder at seemingly           I sighted a magnificent eagle perched on a large,
        ordinary  things  around  them.  Observation  is  a      wild-Jamun tree overlooking a stream. A bunch of
        window to discovery and naturally follows, or is         boys had come along with me for the adventure.
        followed  by,  curiosity.  This,  arguably,  is  the     I  trained  the  spotting-scope  on  the  eagle  and

        Learning Mind. Over the past 24 years, I have had        asked  a  child,  about  10  years  old,  to  look  at  the
        the  privilege  of  observing  countless  children  in   eagle.  I  still  recall  his  astonished  tone  as  he
        natural  settings,  witnessing  first-hand  how  their   realized  the  size  of  the  majestic  creature.  His
        observations  have  led  to  moments  of  pure           astonishment  was  infectious,  and  soon,  a  small
        cognition,  and  how  their  creative  ability  is       group  of  us  stood  there,  gazing  up  at  the
        brought alive by their observations.                     magnificent  creature  for  almost  the  entire

        The Astonishment of a Child
        One of my early experiences of seeing children in        A Journey Through the Years
        nature  was  when  I  witnessed  a  young  child's       Over the years, I've had the pleasure of observing
        profound  reaction  to  the  sight  of  a  Crested-      numerous  children  in  various  natural  settings,

        serpent eagle in the Western Ghats while working         from lush forests to sandy beaches and swampy
        for a rather remarkable, small residential school.       mangroves to inter-tidal zones.
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