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‘On August 13th, 2023, students from VIS went to In order to win a match in chess, you need to
Savitri Ammal Oriental Higher Secondary School move a perfect piece. Just like that, VIS has
to participate in the 5th RCA State-Level, moved its first step. That move was the start of
Children’s Open Chess Tournament. The the game. VIS is now thinking about its second
participating students, accompanied by our chess move. So wait for it!
teacher, entered the host school at 9.30 a.m. and Krishna (9C) & Nikhil (9C)
came out at 4.00 p.m.
The tournament consisted of 6 rounds. The player
who won all 6 rounds would win the tournament.
All of our students played in the under-15
category. Although encouraged by our chess
teacher, our students faced a bit of difficulty
playing against chess academy players. Our
students also received tips from the players who
won in order to help them improve their game.
All of the matches played by everyone were so A PROPER GROUND
compelling that parents stood near the door and
stared at the matches. The students themselves
were excited and keenly engaged in every single Since I was seven years old, I had a wish to play
match they played. They were deeply involved in football on a regular football ground. I thought I
chess for all the six and a half hours they stayed would be able to play a proper football game only
there. During their free time, they watched on a big ground. However, I wasn’t able to find a
videos of professional players to improve their good football ground for the next five years, till I
win rate. turned twelve. At that point, when I was in sixth
grade, I joined a boarding school named VIS,
Our students learn chess as a hobby in school. which offered a big ground, where both cricket
They never expected they would have a chance and football could be played. I felt happy that at
to explore chess as a competitive sport. And last I would be able to play on a standard football
that's why this chess tournament was a welcome ground. From then onwards, I have been able to
experience! Our students received certificates play extraordinary games on the new ground!
and were registered for Tamil Nadu State Chess
Association (TNSCA). They have planned to Parvesh (6)
attend many more tournaments to increase their
state ratings. All of the students aim to get FIDE
(International Chess Federation) ratings.