Page 17 - VIS - Newsletter
P. 17
The Quiz Club is simply a space where students The Critical Perspectives Club is an amazing place
gather together and have a chat about the world! to think. This club is very similar to a philosophy
It is a wonderful gathering of students who meet club; just that it's easier to understand.
every week to share what they have garnered
over the week about the world, or just any facts Our teacher gives us some topic ideas to consider,
they have learnt. and sometimes lets us choose our own topic. After
we choose our topic, he gives us a few articles
Here students get to learn and share, and even based on it. Then he gives us time to study the
conduct their own quizzes. The Quiz Club fosters articles and prepare a talk to be presented in the
a habit of reading and learning from newspapers. club.
This encourages us to keep ourselves informed
about current affairs all around the world, about In my case, I chose a topic on cognitive biases,
politics, business, Economics, and a lot more. We which I was mildly interested in at the time. Sir
get to immerse ourselves in knowledge about the gave me articles which taught me many things
world and in the endless sea of thoughts and about the topic and got me to my current level of
views about the world too! This brings in a lot of interest.
insight and perspective which we then get to
share with our peers. When I went to the club to give my talk, I was
surprised to find that other club members were
Furthermore, the Quiz Club creates opportunities also interested in cognitive biases. Instead of just
for students to participate in various quiz doing a boring lecture and going back to my seat,
competitions. From these experiences, students I initiated a discussion in which I presented my
tend to learn about the ethics of sportsmanship, points. During my presentation and afterwards
about leadership, and, most importantly, about the club members asked me questions, some of
teamwork! The Quiz Club is beneficial for the which had not occurred to me before!
students in several ways as it helps students keep
track of current affairs and develop their views Over the semester, this process of open-ended
based on the knowledge they have garnered. discussion continued, with other people going in
and explaining their own topic, each class just as
Parinika (9A) interesting as the previous one.
Aakash (9C)