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P. 19


                                     EDUCATION TRANSFORMED


        The  COVID-19  pandemic  has  brought  profound         As we navigate the post-pandemic world, we must
        changes  in  the  field  of  education,  reshaping  the  carry  the  lessons  learned  into  the  future  of
        way  we  teach  and  learn.  Before  the  pandemic,     education,  making  it  more  inclusive  and

        traditional classroom learning was the norm, and        accessible.
        online  education  was  seen  as  a  supplement.
        However, COVID-19 forced a significant evolution        The  truth  of  Albert  Einstein's  words,  “In  the
        in  how  we  choose  to  impart  education.  Nelson     middle of difficulty lies opportunity,” was realized
        Mandela's words reminded us why that evolution          in the opportunity the pandemic presented us in
        was  urgent:  “Education  is  the  most  powerful       reimagining  education  for  a  more  inclusive  and
        weapon which you can use to change the world.”          dynamic future. But in keeping with Victor Hugo's
                                                                wisdom,  “Change  your  opinions,  keep  to  your

        Before the pandemic, the classroom was a space          principles;  change  your  leaves,  keep  intact  your
        for     face-to-face     interaction,   fostering       roots,” although education has changed its leaves,
        interpersonal  skills.  After  it  transitioned  into  the  its core principles remain strong and vital as we
        digital realm, John Dewey's words seemed to pose        chart a new course forward.
        a challenge: “Education is not preparation for life;

        education is life itself.” The shift to online learning  Bhuvaneswari
        tested the adaptability of educators, students, and     French Department, VIS.
        institutions.  But  today  both  the  forms  are
        embraced, although some have gone back to the
                                                                     SILBERZWEIG-ABSTRACT ART
        traditional form, keeping the online
        form as plan B.

        The pandemic also revealed inequalities in access
        to  education,  prompting  policymakers  to  address
        these  issues.  Malala  Yousafzai's  words,  “One
        child,  one  teacher,  one  book,  and  one  pen  can
        change the world,” urged the world to recognise
        the need for equitable education.

        In  conclusion,  COVID-19  transformed  education
        from a brick-and-mortar institution to a flexible,
        digital  landscape.  The  crisis  has  highlighted  the
        resilience  of  the  education  sector  and  the
        importance of adapting to new challenges.

                                                                              HARICHARAN (6)
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