Student Profile Building Programmes
The VISDOM Framework is aimed to articulate VIS’s Student Profile Building Program model that consistently and reliably predicts success for all students when implemented effectively — one that is aligned with the school’s articulated purpose of education and grounded in evidence.
To put our beliefs into practice, we must clearly define desired student outcomes. Students and their families want to understand the long-term outcomes of VIS education. A set of achievable goals actualizes our beliefs about human potential and helps measure our progress along the way.
After a careful review of the most prominent competency and curriculum frameworks across the globe, five student learning outcomes have emerged. A VIS graduate will leave our doors only after demonstrating mastery in the following five building blocks:
Sense of Purpose: Self-knowledge, values, relationships, and a credible path
Habits of Success: Behaviours, mind sets, and personalities
Academic Knowledge: Rigorous content learning and development across all academic subjects
Competencies : Interdisciplinary, higher-order thinking skills
Beyond Academics : Co-curricular, Extra- curricular, residential life skills